In the spring of 2013 Steve released a new instrumental composition as a download only
titled “Captured Through a Quiet Window”. Steve took inspiration for the music and title from the romantic experience of a chance encounter.
Perhaps sensing the romantic tone in the music, USA best selling author Vanessa Fewings, (described as “Author of searing-hot romance novels 🥵 blended with compelling love stories” ❤️), sought permission to incorporate the music into a scene in her romantic novel "Enthrall Him" 🫣 which led to the following paragraph in the book:
“Here.” Henry reached towards his side table and brought over a pair of headphones. He eased them over my ears.
A flood of music filled me with a profound, comforting aura. A piano wooed, lulling...
Resting my head back down, soothed by these haunting, mesmerizing notes, I felt my limbs relax, my shoulders lower. Henry placed his iPhone in front of me.
“Thank you,” I whispered, and reached out to scroll over the dial. A moody instrumental piece was playing. Captured Through a Quiet Window by Steve Jansen. “Beautiful. Cameron likes this kind of music too.”
In his arms, calmed by this hypnotic music, I drifted off.
The track was later developed further when Thomas Feiner wrote a vocal part and it became ‘Captured’, the first track on Steve’s 2nd solo album “Tender Extinction”. released in 2016.
Not allowing a nice title to go to waste, when Steve later released a book of photography he named it: “Through a Quiet Window”.
The original artwork of the download was a photograph taken at the top of the Sky Tree in Tokyo while Steve was there in 2012 with his son, Jude. A collector requested a print of the artwork. This collector turned out to be one of a team of Hong Kong based architects who, coincidentally, had just recently designed Holland Park School where Steve’s son was attending. A small world.
For those counting, the time signature of the majority of the track is in 11/8, switching to 12/8 for the change before reverting back.
Steve would like this composition to exist again in its original form. For the romantic in us.
So here it is.